Mohed Altrad at the Club Molière

Mohed Altrad was present on Thursday 16th June with the members of the Club Molière (which was celebrating its 11th anniversary) in the small city of Pézenas, in the splendid Sainte-Cécile vineyard of Charles Faisant. The Club Molière is a network of local entrepreneurs who have come together to share their experiences and move forward “hand in hand”, and why not “climb mountains” together. It is made up of a large (and growing) number of companies and businesses of all kinds.
They wanted to invite Mohed Altrad, who naturally responded positively, in order to share his life experience, both as an entrepreneur but also and above all as an involved citizen, close to his territory and the people who make it up.
The audience of entrepreneurs present was overjoyed because the shared experience proved to be both fascinating for all, and the exchanges were amazing and very interesting.
Thank you to Martine Maille, President of the Club Molière, for her invitation and this special time of sharing, precisely on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the birth of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, aka Molière.