EIFFEL TOWER / XXth painting campaign

Altrad's contribution to the Eiffel tower’s XXth painting campaign was recently commented on several media. A good opportunity for us to review the progress of this project and to greet our teams in charge of this assignment.

At 132 years of age, the Eiffel tower is now in the expert hands of the Altrad Group's painters and rope access operators; it is therefore being given a beautiful refurbishment in the perspective of the 2024 Olympic Games.

For its XXth painting campaign, the emblematic 324-metre-high monument (one of the most visited in the world) will, quite importantly, change its colour: red in the beginning (in 1889, during the Universal Exhibition), it became brown in 1968. Its new shade will be yellow-brown, the colour originally intended by Gustave Eiffel in 1907.

The project, which began in 2019 and is scheduled to end in November 2022, is gigantic: it involves 18,000 parts connected by 2.5 million rivets. Besides, this 50-million operation required a reinforced sanitary protocol for the blasting process, as well as extremely thorough safety procedures (for both the operators and the public). This is an aspect on which the Altrad group does not compromise anyway.

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