Hot thermal insulation

Hot thermal insulation offers a tangible benefit in terms of energy conservation and process efficiency. Altrad Services provides a wide range of insulation services in environments where processes are subject to extreme high temperatures (up to +1,000°C).

We develop, install and maintain specific hot thermal insulation systems in order to protect installations and avoid energy losses over time:
  • Our engineering department studies the conditions for installation, develops specific solutions and recommends the appropriate materials
  • Our operational teams install all types of insulation materials (fibrous, cellular, agglomerate, elastomeric, aerogels, mattresses, etc.), associated mechanical protection (from aluminum to type-316 stainless steel), and non-metallic protection (elastomers, polyester, PVC, coated fabrics, etc.)
  • We are also expert in the application of a wide range of new technologies such as sprayable insulation composite coatings.