Commitment to Health & Safety

At Altrad, ‘Health and Safety’ is more than just a priority. It is a value that is not open for discussion: for that reason, safety underpins every decision we make and every action we take.

On a day-to-day basis, we strive, with our employees and partners, throughout all our facilities, operational worksites and offices, to achieve the very highest safety standards.

Message from the President

At Altrad, we are aware that the complexity and the diversity of our businesses can sometimes make it difficult to identify high-risk situations, and even more difficult to know what attitude to adopt when faced with a hazard.

For that reason, at every group level, numerous initiatives have been introduced to improve safety. These initiatives are always part of a continuous improvement process based on identifying, analysing and controlling risks.

To reduce these risks and make safety a genuine value shared by all its employees, Altrad is committed to making safety a basis of its corporate culture.

The approach that we promote enables everyone to become involved and give their opinion on topics relating to health and safety. On a day-to-day basis, everyone’s contribution is both necessary and welcome. It creates a collective commitment and helps us to develop a genuine safety culture.

Mohed Altrad (PhD), President

Safety Culture
Safety Culture

Safety Culture

Historically, our subsidiaries have introduced an HSE management system with clear objectives in terms of the results we wanted to achieve. However, beyond the figures, we have implemented a group-wide process intended to ensure we have a deeply embedded and sustainable safety culture (see our Group HSE Policy).

At Altrad, we all know that an integrated safety culture goes beyond the implementation of a classical and directive top‐down set of safety policies and procedures. It is rather the result of a holistic approach to safety, which incorporates everyone within the organisation, in every country where we operate, from top management to field operators and support personnel.

Download our HSE policy statement

Our key drivers to develop our safety culture
Our key drivers to develop our safety culture

Our key drivers to develop our safety culture

  • Inspire people to adopt a positive attitude towards safety
  • Make safety a fundamental value shared by all
  • Focus on the importance of major risks and their prevention strategy
  • Share the safety vision and responsibilities between employees and management
  • Foster individual intervention through transversal cooperation and dialogue
  • Maintain coherence and ensure persistence in our daily decisions and actions
  • Recognise good practices and apply fair penalties
  • Develop leadership in safety through the entire chain of command, regardless of level or position
  • Commit to a long-term approach